Saturday, March 24, 2012

How to Jailbreak your iPhone

As jailbreaking is hacking into a smart phone’s default OS, you can start by using the Spirit, Jailbreakme, RedSn0w jailbreaking app which also works on other Apple devices such as iPods and iPads.

1. Download Spirit, Jailbreakme, RedSn0w or any popular jailbreak tool of your choice as there are a lot of jailbreaking tools for Windows and Mac. But like any downloadable wares, there are risks involved and your iPhone may become prone to attacks. So be warned. You will also need a iTunes 9.1.1 (or higher whichever is the latest now) and yes, an iPod cable.

2. Plug your Apple device, wait for iTunes acknowledge the device is connected. Create a Back up of whatever you have stored on your device into the iTunes library, and sync it. This is safety measure, you can revert back to in case your first attempt wasn't successful.

3. Run your Jailbreak tool and wait for the menu window to appear onscreen, wait for the message that the device is properly connected. Then click “Jailbreak” or whatever button that signifies the jailbreaking processs to begin, this may awhile so wait until the screen prompts that that the restore is complete. When done, your Apple device should restart. It's that simple!

4. Upon rebooting, an icon called Cydia will appear on your screen, most jailbreaking tools will install Cydia. Cydia is an alternate app store where you can download free apps or pay for good mods and tweaks. Don't worry the original App Store will continue to be functional and yes, you can still shop from iTunes and the App Store after jailbreaking. There's not really much of a change except you just have a new app store called Cydia.

In summary, jailbreaking is quite easy that even a luddite can feel his way through. Like I've said, you just need to download a piece of software, plug your iOS device into your computer with a cable, and let the run software runs its course. There is no specific knowledge or skills required.


  1. For the price you pay for an iPhone having defects such as this is definitely not acceptable. I can't believe that Apple said that this was a common issue with the Phone. I have always been a Samsung user and I have never encountered issues such as these. Apple phones seem to be a tad bit too sensitive. It's really an overrated phone."

  2. I have also had my iPhone jailbroken. The reason is simple, I already ownt eh phone and I have already paid a lot for it. I simply refuse to pay more just to enjoy the functionaliy of the phone. It's true that the applications that come from an iPhone comes from individual developers, but still, the iPhone is already too costly. If it were up to me, Apple should actually be the one paying the developers to develop apps for the iPhone. I'm sorry if you think that what I am saying is wrong, but it's still my opinion and I'll stick by it.

    1. Why in the world would you want to jailbreak your iPhone? This is also at par with piracy isn’t it? I mean, instead of paying for applications that developers created, you are technically getting the applications for free. And to tell you the truth, Apple apps are not really that expensive anyway, and there are tons of free apps. I just really don’t get the logic.
