Tuesday, May 1, 2012

iPhone Gone Silent

Here's an iPhone adventure nightmare worth sharing. When I got to work last Tuesday my iPhone wasn't making a peep, even when it was on general profile or whenever got an SMS. Now this got me worried since I just bought it over a week ago. FYI, my iPhone is not in a silent mode. Tried the thing with earphones and finally heard some sound. It seemed normal with the earphones on, but without it the phone is locked on dead silent. So I did try to restore the iPhone by opening itunes and hold shift the click to do the manual restore and select to ipsw. But it didn't work. It was still dead on silent. Maybe the phone thinks that my headphones are still plugged into its system?

Maybe it was a physical problem, so I got a can of compressed air and totally blasted the earphone sockets and whatever holes on the mobile. I had this feeling something was in contact with the iPhone's audio dock and was getting in the way of it from properly functioning. It could be moisture. As I recall, it was raining terribly that morning and I had left my phone briefly exposed to the elements before I got into the car.

It took a few hours of turning my iPhone on and off. Eventually,  after more compressed air treatments, the sound started working normally again. I called Apple care and this seemed to be a common issue with the phone. So I opted for the phone returned service and waited for a replacement. No problem returning the defective thing, I'm just annoyed that I have to wait things out. And I'm a bit freaked out and paranoid that Apple's gonna send me another dud.


  1. This is something that I have experienced as well with my Iphone 4s. My horror story started when the ios 5.1 update came out. I immediately installed the new ios on my phone since I was excited to experience the new features. Everything worked fine with the actual installation. The settings update took place and as a final step, the phone booted up. To my dismay, as I was navigating, the speaker just stopped working with no apparent reason. When playing any music, watching videos, or playing games, there was no audio output. I didn't know what to do at that point. I turned the phone off and on several times but that did not work. Finally, as a last resort, I erased everything and reinstalled the ios. It was such a horrible bother, but the sound came out perfectly after that.

  2. Why in the world would you want to jailbreak your iPhone? This is also at par with piracy isn’t it? I mean, instead of paying for applications that developers created, you are technically getting the applications for free. And to tell you the truth, Apple apps are not really that expensive anyway, and there are tons of free apps. I just really don’t get the logic.

  3. Unbelievable! I thought iPhones was an example of quality technology. I cant believe that something as popular as an iPhone would have issues. You also mentioned that Apple replied that the missing sound was something common? My goodness! If I was you I would have told them to get their act together. They have a reputation to uphold! Saying that it was a common issue is simply not good enough.
