Thursday, December 20, 2012

Jailbreaking Smart Phones Legal, But NOT Tablets

In jailbreaking news, the Copyright Office within the Library of Congress has renewed its rules making jailbreak smartphones legit, no warranty void on that. However, the rules don't apply to tablets. Jailbreaking your tablet which includes your e-reader and game console is against the law.

Jailbreaking your gadget lets you run unapproved apps by Apple and break free from any carrier restrictions. Apple has a stringent monopoly over which apps shoul be part of its App Store. Jailbreaking opens up possibilities for your device such as running apps you can't find on the app store, but by jailbreaking your smartphone, Apple decrees your warranty void. Sometime a bootleg animation sticks, the main red flag that you've been jailbreaking your unit.

Technology regulators such as the DMCA are obviously waiting this one out. Who knows what the tablet or the new mobile incarnate will look like in a few years? Or if we even have that need to jailbreak.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Redsn0w iOS 5.1.1 Downgrade: Winter is Coming for the iPhone 4S

This jailbreaking news story has Apple Device enthusiasts in the mood to celebrate, the availability of the Redsn0w iOS 5.1.1 downgrade has just been confirmed and also the iPhone 4S Jailbreak for iOS 5.1 Release.

Redsn0w will allow jailbreakers to downgrade their iPhone 4S, iPad 2 and the New iPad from iOS 5.1.1. (the previous iOS).

Friday, May 4, 2012

Types of Jailbreak

Here's a video on the difference between an Untethered Jailbreak, Tethered Jailbreak and Semi-Tethered Jailbreak.

This should, at least clarify some things and let you decide which Jailbreak is most suitable for you :)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

iPhone Gone Silent

Here's an iPhone adventure nightmare worth sharing. When I got to work last Tuesday my iPhone wasn't making a peep, even when it was on general profile or whenever got an SMS. Now this got me worried since I just bought it over a week ago. FYI, my iPhone is not in a silent mode. Tried the thing with earphones and finally heard some sound. It seemed normal with the earphones on, but without it the phone is locked on dead silent. So I did try to restore the iPhone by opening itunes and hold shift the click to do the manual restore and select to ipsw. But it didn't work. It was still dead on silent. Maybe the phone thinks that my headphones are still plugged into its system?

Maybe it was a physical problem, so I got a can of compressed air and totally blasted the earphone sockets and whatever holes on the mobile. I had this feeling something was in contact with the iPhone's audio dock and was getting in the way of it from properly functioning. It could be moisture. As I recall, it was raining terribly that morning and I had left my phone briefly exposed to the elements before I got into the car.

It took a few hours of turning my iPhone on and off. Eventually,  after more compressed air treatments, the sound started working normally again. I called Apple care and this seemed to be a common issue with the phone. So I opted for the phone returned service and waited for a replacement. No problem returning the defective thing, I'm just annoyed that I have to wait things out. And I'm a bit freaked out and paranoid that Apple's gonna send me another dud.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

How to Jailbreak your iPhone

As jailbreaking is hacking into a smart phone’s default OS, you can start by using the Spirit, Jailbreakme, RedSn0w jailbreaking app which also works on other Apple devices such as iPods and iPads.

1. Download Spirit, Jailbreakme, RedSn0w or any popular jailbreak tool of your choice as there are a lot of jailbreaking tools for Windows and Mac. But like any downloadable wares, there are risks involved and your iPhone may become prone to attacks. So be warned. You will also need a iTunes 9.1.1 (or higher whichever is the latest now) and yes, an iPod cable.

2. Plug your Apple device, wait for iTunes acknowledge the device is connected. Create a Back up of whatever you have stored on your device into the iTunes library, and sync it. This is safety measure, you can revert back to in case your first attempt wasn't successful.

3. Run your Jailbreak tool and wait for the menu window to appear onscreen, wait for the message that the device is properly connected. Then click “Jailbreak” or whatever button that signifies the jailbreaking processs to begin, this may awhile so wait until the screen prompts that that the restore is complete. When done, your Apple device should restart. It's that simple!

4. Upon rebooting, an icon called Cydia will appear on your screen, most jailbreaking tools will install Cydia. Cydia is an alternate app store where you can download free apps or pay for good mods and tweaks. Don't worry the original App Store will continue to be functional and yes, you can still shop from iTunes and the App Store after jailbreaking. There's not really much of a change except you just have a new app store called Cydia.

In summary, jailbreaking is quite easy that even a luddite can feel his way through. Like I've said, you just need to download a piece of software, plug your iOS device into your computer with a cable, and let the run software runs its course. There is no specific knowledge or skills required.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Phone Jail Breaking

Are you confident enough to jail break your pricey phone?

As much we all have a love and hate relationship with tech giant Apple, anyone is entitled to jailbreak their phone. Yes, you can. You have the right to since you bought it, but it doesn't come without risk. Your phone will be more vulnerable to attacks and can become unstable. And once you do opt for a jailbreak, there's no turning back, you're on your own. Expect your warranty to be voided plus no or totally zero tech support from Apple.

By jailbreaking your phone, you are breaking free of all the limitations imposed upon your device by the manufacturer. Hence, you can install third-party apps not part of the menu of the Apple Store. It all boils down to personal choice. Through phone jailbreaking, you’re welcome to unlock your phone and go for another carrier without the blessing of Apple in mind. You can opt for AT&T, Sprint and Verizon. If you want full control then go for a jailbreak, but like I said, it comes with a risk.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Ziinga: Bid Away on Apple Products

Ziinga has me very much excited lately. Oh yes! Ziinga is one of the few legit auction sites where you can win an iPad, iPhone and an Apple TV. Woot! Woot!

The cost of a bidding on Ziinga is through buying bid packages that ranges from £0.47 - £0.84

Something important to note, if you're skipping Ziinga's Terms and Conditions, it would best if you knew that upon bidding on Ziinga you will be deducted for a month's membership for any bids used during your trial period and to claim any prize, you've won you will be charged for a membership first. Ziinga charges £59.99 per month, comprende?

Now with that clearly stated, its time you get your bidding fingers excited over that iPad! Ziinga is definitely for those who are into penny auction sites as Ziinga is legit and the real deal when it comes to high-end gadget prizes.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Feel Free to Jailbreak your iPhone Today

Jailbreaking your iPhone is a legal right smiliar to the right to bear arms. The law has made it clear that its perfectly legit to jailbreak your own smart phone. So iPhone owners should rejoice and do freely figure out how to jailbreak your iPhones. As much as Apple is the manufacturer, the tech corp has no legal hold to prohibit Apple users from jailbreaking.

Most users view Apple's exclusivity as very suffocating, limiting what applications you can install on your iPhone is quite counterproductive considering the iPhone has lots of potential to more useful to its users. But it really all boils down to Apple selling its App wares and locking out the competition. Jailbreaking your iPhone frees you from all that.