Thursday, December 8, 2011

Jailbreaking: Tweak your Way to Productivity and Freedom

I understand why companies would want to control software distribution. After all, this sort of control helps Apple keep iOS free from malware and ensure that the apps you download work properly. The same goes with console makers. There are legitimate reasons for keeping tight control over app distribution.

But for some, the control that smartphone and console makers impose onto their products hurts productivity, and generally makes these products less attractive. Jailbreaking provides users with more control and flexibility over their equipment--equipment that they bought and paid for, thank you very much. Telling a smartphone or tablet owner that they can't tweak their gadget is a bit like telling an auto enthusiast that they can't soup up their car.

From where I'm sitting, there's no good reason for companies to limit what you can do with your own personal equipment. If you bought it, you own it, and as long as you're not pirating content or otherwise breaking the law, you should be able to tweak it as you see fit.